Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 33: Legs & Back/Abs / Day 34: Kenpo X

Well yesterday was legs and back but I mentioned before that is one of the videos I do not havee (borrowing from someone) so I decided to do some Cardio X again and then an ab/core video so I'm feeling pretty good today.  Today is Kenpo X which I'll be doing that tonight because I've been packing all morning and going to be gettng ready to hit the road and head on up north for 3 weeks!  Can't wait to be back and see Rick and my family and friends!  I am also going to be seeing my aunt and hopefully will get Insanity and test that out over break and as soon as I get back, I will be joining the gym, so excited for that as well.  I just keep thinking mentally about how I will look and the only way to get there is to work at it and the more things I do, the quicker I can speed everything up.  Since my P90X will be done by February, I'm hoping I reach my goals and then I will look good for when we go to the Lady Antebellum, Darius Rucker, and Thompson Square concert!  And of course, when my birthday hits in March!  And who knows if I do anything for Spring Break that involves warm weather, less likely but it can happen and that would be a huge plus looking great!  Either way I'm just ready for my body to be how I've always wanted it to be and I know if I don't give up, I will finally have my chance at reaching that.  And of course, since I'll be up north, it will be my responsibility to make sure I stick to good eating habits and not let myself just splurge on everything just because I'm on "vacation."  Especially because my journey is still resuming, it doesn't stop for anything and if I ended up not doing it for the 3 weeks (which I will be doing it, no worries about that), I would have to start all over from day 1 and I'm not doing that.  I'm 1/3 of the way there.  I can do this and I WILL do this.  Well got to go make sure I have everything packed and I'm hitting the roads!  Let's pray for good weather the whole ride up!  Bye :D

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 31: Chest, Shoulder, Triceps, Ab Ripper X; Day 32: Yoga

So I didn't log in yesterday and I'm going to be honest, I didn't do the first part of the workout because I got so caught up with things yesterday and getting my presentation ready for my last class today.   But I did do an ab workout.  Anyways, today is Yoga day which also was my last yoga class for the semester!  Which I was happy because that means my semester is over!!  Happy happy girl here!  But what I want to talk about today is yesterday I did some measuring and I have lost about an 1.5 around my gut and and almost an inch around my waist!  Pretty much the only places but I was happy :) because comparing it to a year ago, that is 7 inches total gone off my gut and 7.25 inches off my waist!  And I lost 2 inches off my thighs, and two inches off my arms over the last year as well.  So that really made my day yesterday seeing how far I've really come.  I also have a picture of my body from last October when I had already lost about 3ish inches around my stomach but none from my real starting point which in all honestly, I don't even want to imagine where I was at but just that picture from Oct was enough.  I might post it sometime with an updated one for comparison.  Well on my way to school, I stopped by the mall and even treated myself to a new pair of skinny jeans!  Note that I used to wear an 8 in American Eagle pants and last year one day I went shopping with my mom and come to find I wear 4's now!  I was so happy, cause I haven't worn a four since about the end of my sophomore/beginning junior year in high school.  And the reason being I got skinny jeans is because one, they are perfect to wear with boots and two, the two pairs I have are WAYYYY to big around the waist and it gets really annoying constantly pulling them up and I even wear a belt!   Anyways, now I'm on break for 3 1/2 weeks and I'll be going up north this Friday for break so it will be my responsibility to be making sure I'm getting my workouts in.  Then once breaks over, I am going to be signing up for my gym membership with the school right away so I will be doing P90X and the gym to quicken my results.  And I might borrow Insanity from my aunt Nancy in which I heard is literally what the same is INSANE!  But I'm willing to try it.  I might figure out the DVDs and do a certain one on certain days for example, maybe their ab workout inturn of my P90X abs.  Add a little more variety to it.  Well I'm going to go watch the new I Used To Be Fat episode :)  Bye!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 30!!! Whoop whoop! Cardio X!

Yeah yeah yeah!! 30 days done!  Now 60 more to go!  I swear I was just putting 1 day down, 89 more to go... haha.  Like I said, these first 30 days weren't the greatest due to being sick the first twoish weeks but hey, I got a head start and I didn't quit!  So that's better than nothing!  I'm proud of myself to say the least but now these next 30 days, I'm going to try to push even harder.  Anyways, as I was working out today, I realized how much it helps to be able to see what your doing.  I have the reflection in my window (works when it's night time) and my mirror and it's perfect for when I'm doing some of the moves.  Tony is always saying about make sure you have a flat back or your leaning forward, ect.  And watching myself in the window or mirror helps me see if I'm doing things correct or if I need to fix or adjust my moves.  Another thing about when I was watching myself do the moves, I notice my arms are starting to get more toned looking and the backs of my shoulders.  So when I noticed that, I was feeling extra good during the workout!  Also, I did get up this morning and do core synergistics!  So that's two workouts today, eek!  I already feel sore abs!  But I sure as hell feel great and DON'T regret one minute of it :)  Cardio X was fun as always.  Love the variety of the workout.  Definitely worked up a dripping sweat but that's what I like to see.  And my tummy was chilled!  Meaning I worked hard enough for my body to start burning fat!  I love reading new fitness tips and facts.  Always give me motivation.  Well now that I got that in and I don't have any studying to do because we went over exactly everything that's going to be on the final for my Spanish class and I have it pretty set in my mind already and I already finished my take-home final for my Math class so I'm pretty golden right now :)  I think I might relax and pop in a movie or maybe watch some Biggest Loser episodes.  Shows like that always give me motivation. I love seeing people succeed in great ways :)  Well ta-ta for now!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 28: Rest/Stretch X and Week 5: Day 29: Core Synergistics (new schedule)

Didn't log in yesterday for the fact it was just rest day, pretty much explains for itself.  Though I did do kenpo/cardio yesterday morning because I was feeling frustrated and that's always a good way to work out my frustration.  Then I had a pretty filled day, went to dinner with my brother, Cass, and her parents in which I got like the biggest ceasar salad of my life!  Soo good though and I just about finish it, first time ever.  Then Cass, her parents, Aubrey and I went to the Descendant's movie with George Clooney.  Soooo good!  So many different parts I probably would have bawled if I was by myself but I held it in haha but there were funny parts as well (dramady).  I also saw a preview for the movie "Extremely Loud&Incredibly Close" with Tom Hanks.  The preview ALONE made us tear up!  Definitely seeing that as soon as it comes out (January 20, 2012). 
Anyways, today has been a pretty busy day.  Got bad news, haven't even got my workout in.  (PS It's a new workout set, week 5 but only one day of the week is different which is instead of arms and shoulders, it's now chest, shoulders, and triceps.)  Got up really early for my shower than had to go to church then shortly after church we left for Clarkston for the day for a birthday party.  Got home about 7.  I probably could get my workout in but I have finals tomorrow and for this moment, it's much more important for me to study.  Though since I couldn't get my workout in, there's this 12 days of Christmas workout and I did most of them just to get a little something in but tomorrow I plan to wake up early do core synergistics then tomorrow night do cardio x.  I know that's a lot for one day but I'm very close to my first 30 days and though it hasn't been the best, I want to push myself these last 2 days then the next 30, I have to push myself as hard as I can possibly push.  I want to make this the best 30 days ever.  There will be NO excuses!  PUSHING PLAY everyday will be my priority.  Especially with the new year coming up, already having another head start, I'll be able to keep going with it.  Well I need to get my butt back to studying, time for some psyc fun! ;) Bye!

Weeks 5-7
Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – Cardio X
Day 3 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 27: Yoga X

Almost forgot to log in!  It's late and I gotta get to studying so this will be super short.  Today was Yoga X, longggg but good.  Getting better at the crane!  Last night I held it for 10 seconds!  But today, it was hard for 5 haha.  But I'm mastering it, slowly but surely.  I literally do it everyday just to see how long I can hold it.  Need a good arm workout, there you go!  Basically holding all your body weight.  Anyways, all in all a good workout.  Tomorrow (well since its after midnight, so today) is rest day/stretch X day and I'll be spending my day at the school taking a final or two.  Don't know which one I'll take or if both yet.  Then hopefully on to go get some Christmas shopping done and go donate some of my clothes to the second hand store.  Do a little good deed before the holidays :) if I knew of any home shelters, I would just take them there instead but I'm not that familiar with the area.  Anyways, I'm off to study then bed! Night :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 26: Core Synergistics

So today on the schedule says Cardio X but as we all know, I did that the other day due to not paying attention to my schedule (oops!) so I switched it to today.  I really could careless for this workout, I mean it is a great workout, I get a good workout out of it, it's just not my favorite one haha.  But I can't express how good I feel getting up and PUSHING PLAY everyday.  I'm very proud of myself for getting this far and sticking as much as I could.  And I'm only going to keep sticking with it!  I do feel a difference in my body strength which makes me feel really good :) Tomorrow is my longer dreaded workout, Yoga X, but it is getting better.  Anyways, I don't have much to say for today, got to go finish up some cleaning and get ready for Church tonight.  Bye :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 25: Rest/Stretch X

So today was SUPPOSED to be rest day.  From the day I had, there wasn't really any rest in it, but all in all, today was a great day!  I went to school and took a few books to see what the bookstore would buy them for and they took of my books for 70 dollars total.  My math book I bought online for about 30 or 40 and they bought it from me for 50 so I was happy then my math binder book from last year they took for 20 so I came out with 70 dollars I didn't have in my pocket.  Then I had a gift card from last year to the bookstore/cafe and knew I had a couple dollars on it, but my guess was maybe 2 or less.  Went and had them check, there was 12.50 left on it!  Talk about a happy girl here!  So of course, I treated myself to a Caramel Mocha hehe.  It was veryyyyy good!  Then I had my classes, which went good and as for rest day, Wednesday for me means yoga class so that's not really making it a rest day.  But I only have one more yoga class and that's next week and than that means, CHRISTMAS BREAK!  YES!  Anyways, I came home and was feeling very hungry, my classes go from 2-8, little breaks in between so I never really get a chance to take the time and eat.  So I had one of my leftover turkey burgers and asparagus with some carrots as well.  Filled me up way fast.  After I finished dinner, I completed my last few definitions for my pysc study guide and sent that so all that's left of this semester is Pysc Final, Educ Final, Span Final, and Math Presentation!  The first two finals I can take whenever and I think I'm going to use Saturday to do that to get them out of the way and to avoid the mad rush next week at the assessment center.  After I finished that, I was sitting here, on my computer just scrolling through facebook and thinking about how I feel like I should workout or do something though it's supposed to be the rest day and for anyone that knows me, I'm a very random person and right on the spot, I said, "Screw rest day, I'm doing some Kenpo!"  I swear I'm addicted to that workout!  I just had it yesterday!  But I wanted to do it and I did.  And I'm sure glad I did!  They say you never regret a workout and I definitely don't.  I feel so good right now and it just topped off my good day :)  Now I'm sitting here having a late snack, an orange :P got to fuel my stomach with something after this workout hehe.  Oh and lots of water too!  Well I'm going to finish this orange and then I think I'm going to hit the hay.  Goodnight!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 24: Kenpo X!

We all know what today was, my favorite day! Love love love :) Good workout, as always.  So not too much to say today so this will be really short.  For breakfast today I had a very fiberful bowl of Kellogg's Fiber Plus Cinnamon Cheerio like.  For dinner tonight, I made turkey burgers (yum!) with shaved carrots and chopped green onion mixed in it and whole wheat buns, lettuce and just had to, muenster cheese.  Sooo good!  And on the side, I made some ham rolled asparagus :) Definitely filled me right up!  And healthy!  And of course, been drinking my water all day long!  Well that's all I have for today, time to go work on my final Psyc assignment of the semester!  Almost done, yay! Bye!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 23: Cardio X

WHOOPS!  I accidently did Cardio X when it was supposed to be Core Synergistics!  Wow, I'm horrible at this haha.  Oh well, I'll do core on my cardio day now.  Anyways, I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed whatsoever!  So as I was laying there, I was trying to decide when I should do my workout and kept telling myself I'll do it tonight when I get back from class but kept reminding myself of my huge study guide that I have to start on tonight so I won't have the time.  Then of course, I was on my phone checking facebook or twitter and as I was scrolling through the feed, I told myself, "If I can be laying here wasting time on the web, I could be up burning my time getting a workout instead.  Which will I regret more?"  That was enough to get me up.  I closed my phone and immediately got dressed and PUSHED PLAY!  And I definitely don't regret it!  One of my best workouts today.  Worked really hard, kept thinking about my goal to get fit and the harder I work, the closer I'll be to it.  Today was a major sweat pool which I find great because it shows how hard I'm pushing myself.  Random fitness fact:  When your stomach is cold after doing cardio, that means your body is burning fat.  And right after I was done, I felt my stomach and sure enough, it was cold!  That makes me feel good and only makes me want to keep pushing myself to keep going.  I know I'm close to my first 30 days but I think at 40 days I will be doing my result picture of the first set or maybe even 35 because due to me being sick, that kind of put a damper on my workouts so I'm trying to play catch up with working harder.  Anyways, I have to go shower and go own an exam! (I hope!) Bye!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

WEEK 4! Day 22: Yoga X - New schedule

Whoo hoo! We are on week 4 already!  And a new schedule!  Only for this week though then I'm back to the original schedule except this time my arms and shoulder day gets changed to chest, shoulders, and triceps. Here is my schedule for this week:

Week 4:
Day 1 – Yoga X
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Cardio X
Day 6 – Yoga X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch
 I get Kenop X earlier this time!  Yay!  But I still really like plyo so who knows, I might change my second yoga day or go hard and do it on my stretch day :P oops sorry but I can't help that I actually want to do more workouts!  Anyways, when I saw that today was yoga day, I was kind of dreading it, mainly because it's an hour and a half.  But I found a bunch of pictures the other day that are good motivators and one I found a good one was, "If you have time for FACEBOOK, you have time to WORKOUT!"  So true!  You can burn a few hours easily just from sitting on facebook when in the same time you could get a complete workout in.  It may not go as fast as you think but when you get your mindset to the workout, it's over before you know it and then you feel good about yourself because you got it done.  So I told myself, if I think about going on facebook or twitter or anything else, there is no reason I can't get up and do my yoga.  Also I told myself yoga is a good way to relax the mind and I have plenty of studying to do so it's best that I workout to get my mind at ease so I'm not stressing so much when I study.  So I got up and PUSHED PLAY!  And they always say, "You will never regret a workout."  And that's the truth!  I'm glad I got up and did my yoga for today.  Definitely a relaxing workout yet tough.  There are some moves I'm still working on but definitely improving on.  I would say I can do about 80% of the video perfect enough, just still not as flexible as the those on the video but I do the moves and hold them out like I'm supposed to but over time, I'll have the completely down with the flexibility as well.  Anyways I'm going to post a few motivators below, run to the store and pick up some fruit and then get to studying! Bye :)
Here are a few motivators: Enjoy! :D
 So true! A year from now, I want to look at my body and be proud that I worked for it.

Exactly.  We can't just hope our body will soon be how we want it, we have to WORK for it to be how we want it.  Just like eating, you can't exercise out your bad eating habits, you have to eat healthy too.

"Can't" is not, nor will it ever be in my dictionary!

An opportunity to GET FIT!

My goal for my grocery shopping this week, buy fruits in all of the rainbow colors!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 21: Rest Day or Stretch X

So today is rest day or as some people like to do, the stretch X.  But of course, I'm resting haha.  My legs are still feeling it from plyo the other day!  But tonight, I think I want to do another ab workout or something, I feel like I need to workout though it's supposed to be rest day.  Today is my nephews birthday party so we have a houseful right now which makes it hard to workout right now but I still might do something later and if I do, I'll be sure to log in.  But I don't have much to say for today so I'm going to get going since the party is starting and I don't want to be missing out on too much! ;) bye!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 20: Kenpo X

Oh. My. Gosh.  Wow, am I ever sore on my bottom half.   My thighs and my calves especially.  Literally last night, they were even feeling like jello.  But I wasn't letting that get in the way of me not PUSHING PLAY today.  A lot of the moves were alright for me to do because it's a lot of arm movement but when the kicks started, my legs were feeling it haha.  But I pushed myself as hard as I could and made it through the whole thing.  Plus it's my favorite workout, I didn't want to not do it.  So I feel really good I got that in.  Also my workouts are actually getting better because I'm getting better!  Done with my meds as of yesterday but still have to take my inhaler everyday which is fine with me.  But my coughing has decrease A LOT!  Everything in my system has finally loosened up so I'm in my last few days of this which is awesome :) anyways, after my workout, since I don't have any yogurts, I didn't make a drink with the stuff because I don't like it without it so I made some scrambled egg whites with a few pieces of honey ham.  Filled me up, re-energized.  That's all for today. Buh-byeee. PS Keep remembering to drink plenty of water!  Also when you feel like your hungry, drink water, it could be your thirst getting confused with hunger :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 19: Plyometrics - The Mother of P90X

Once again, I changed a workout.  I can't help it, but I've been wanting to try the plyo and didn't see it anywhere in my schedule and I felt like putting it in today.  I should just make my own P90X schedule (basically am) and just call it The Brogan haha.  Anyways, WOW!  Plyo is considered the "Mother of P90X" and I believe it!  Talk about a good sweat!  And boy oh boy, my legs are going to hate me tomorrow!  There is a lot of squat moves and you sure do feel the burn in those legs.  But that's what I love about it, I really feel like my legs will get results from this workout.  Actually, my whole body because of all the movement you're doing.  Kenpo X is my top favorite then plyo is definitely my second.  Since I'm not really listening to my actual schedule, I think I'm going to be throwing plyo in there because I feel I can really benefit from this workout.  Now I am having my version of my recovery drink which today's yogurt that is in my shake is Strawberry Shortcake because that was the last one we had.  But it's still really good!  Well time to go play with my nephew and celebrate his 2nd birthday today :D bye!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 18: Yoga X

So today is Yoga X day but as I woke up, I wanted to do more abs so I popped in the abs/core DVD which is just a 25-30 minute workout.  Felt pretty good and gave me some energy for the day.  I didn't do much of the Yoga X DVD (oops) only because I do have my Yoga class tonight and I don't want to over workout (though sometimes it doesn't hurt) and P90X Yoga X is no walk through the ballpark but it does get easier through time but I don't need to do 3 1/2 hours of Yoga in one day.  Plus, I'm running on a time frame today because we got about 6 inches of snow last night (schools were even canceled) and I have to head to the school even earlier than planned for my exam because you just never know about these drivers down here, haha.  Well I'm going to go get ready and make a quick salad and get going. Bye!

Day 17: Arms/Shoulders, Abs

(Again writing the day after but all that matters is I'm still logging in)
Yesterday was arms/shoulders and abs.  As I mentioned last week, I really need to invest in some higher weights.  I was home last weekend and didn't have any luck finding our other weights around the house so this weekend, I may have to go out and buy some 10 lbs dumbbells.  I can definitely tell I'm getting a LOT better.  Still coughing but it's loosening up much more than before meaning I'm starting to be able to get my feel for my harder workouts back! Yay for me! haha.  But anyways, I will be looking into higher weights so I can start getting more out of my strength workouts.  That's all for this day :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 16: Cardio X

Well today has been somewhat a good day, got one final out of the way, another exam and a final skit for my spanish class, definitely shows that the semester is nearing to an end!  YAY!  I got a later workout in but as soon as I started it, I told myself I would give it my all and work as hard as I can today and I did!  My cough is still here but it's slowly loosening up meaning I will start getting some more out of my workouts!  Yay to *knock on wood* getting better! And again, this is probably my second favorite workout after Kenpo X beause of the variety in it.  The kenpo, plyo, yoga, and cardio keeps you moving at all times.  But I'm making this short and sweet because I got ANOTHER test to get out of the way online, better to get it done then worry about it last minute.  Bye bye for now :)

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Week 3! Day 15: Core Synergistics

Well today has been a long day!  Woke up and went to Church then got everything all packed up and into my car.  Went to lunch with my parents in which I ordered a grilled chicken salad (yummm!) then headed on the road.  Didn't get time to get my workout in before lunch but I got home around 5ish then we had dinner then I kind of took a little nap due to not a good nights sleep (of course) but woke up and PUSHED PLAY! immediately before my long night ahead of studying begins.  When I say I started this at the wrong time, I'm not kidding, it's nearing the end of the semester meaning more studying and work needs to get done and I'm trying to make sure I get my workout in as well within my busy days.  And I get sick but I have faith I may be better by the end of this week!  But I want to mention, since this hasn't been tooo hardcore because of my changes here and there with the plan and all, I'm still feeling like I'm getting somewhere.  Even today when I was at lunch with my parents and their friends, one of them, Dave, commented on how my face is looking more lean already!  Most people wouldn't really think that's much but to me it is.  Shows that I'm getting somewhere and that's all that matters to me :)  But I'm hoping this week and going into next week, I start getting a little more serious and that my health gets better so I can push harder again.  Well time to get to studying, got 2 exams tomorrow, one being a final! :/ ahh wish me luck!  BYE!

Day 14:

Ok, so yes this was supposed to be a workout day and not a rest day since I changed Thursday.  But I went to the doctors (FINALLY!) and come to find, I have asthma.  Awesome, right?  Running in the genes and getting it from my mom (thank you mom! smh lol:P) and good thing I went because from all my coughing, I was well on my way to getting pneumonia so now I'm on a steroid, an antibiotic, and a higher dose of my inhaler for this week so hopefully I'll be getting rid of this cough and as for my goal to want to run a 5K next spring, I'm going to have to train my asthma do be able to achieve that now.  But no, I did not workout because, again, the night before was a little rough with the coughing, got plenty sleep but there were still some episodes.  The meds are kicking in a little bit and I'm hoping they start really kicking in some more, I finally have a humidifier so that also should help me out.  Well that is all for this day :) (I didn't get a chance to write it yesterday so I'm acting as if it was from then) bye!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 13: Kenpo X

Yeah yeah yeah, I know.  I'm out of order with my workouts but I don't care haha.  Well last night we did a little Black Friday shopping, wasn't too bad.  And afterwards, I actually got a good nights sleep! First in a while, felt good to be sleeping without waking up coughing every two minutes especially from my day yesterday.  Constant coughing whatnot.  Well since I got PLENTY of sleep, I felt pretty good and decided I best get up and PUSH PLAY before it's too late and I'll find some excuse not to do it.  And of course, today I did my most favorite workout!  KENPO X!  I just love all the punching and kicking we do.  It just makes it soo much fun and I definitely get a good workout from it.  I could honestly probably get up and do it again right now lol.  Anyways, since of course, I've changed my schedule a little bit (oops!) I'm not sure exactly which one I'll do tomorrow.  You'll know when I post it :P Well time to go get some orange juice and try to stay on the road to recovery! Going to the doctors tomorrow, let's hope I can get something and get rid of this crud! Bye :D

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 11: Yoga X / Day 12: Rest

So this post has two days because I didn't have a chance to get on yesterday but now that I have downloaded the app for my phone, it'll help me still log in when I can't get to ar computer.  Anyways, yesterday I got my Yoga workout in before I had school but again, it didn't go as well.  Still very sick, coughing has been increasing tremendously.  I still got a good workout but not as good as I hoped.  I barely ate anything yesterday which wasn't good but being sick, I've been losing an appetite but trying to get better! As for today, its supposed to be an back/legs workout I believe but I am changing my schedule a little bit due to being sick.  Not the best idea but I'd rather get a harder workout when I'm somewhat better than barely get anything out of my workout because I'm constantly coughing.  Not to mention I'm getting quite the ab workout with all this coughing haha they are literally sore.  But as for today, I'm having my rest day today and todays workout tomorrow and tomorrows Saturday.  I know this whole P90X may not be going as it should but even if it takes me longer to get the perfect results, I don't care, I'm more to get myself into a routine of at least working out more.  Anyways, Happy Thanksgiving to all! Hopefully by next week I'll be healthy again!  This sick week is messing up my P90X! haha bye! :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 10: Arms/Shoulders, Abs

After today, I realized I need to get some higher weights.  All I have are 3, 5, and then 25.  The 5's are just too easy, I may have to invest in some 10 lbs or maybe some tougher resistant bands because some of these moves, I don't feel it as much cause the 5's feel like nothing half the time. Not good, but that doesn't entirely mean I didn't get a good workout in today because I still did.  At the beginning, I was feeling pretty lazy and dreading the whole I need to workout mood and when I saw that 59 minutes on the clock, I just thought to myself, "I realllllly don't want to workout for this long." But I did it!  I keep telling myself, "Just think of the results you want and if anyone is reading this, they know what you look like and you need to prove to them and yourself that, that is the last time you will look like that."  It also helps when my boyfriend texts me everyday asking if I got my workout in because if I say no, I'm not holding to the promise I'm trying to make to myself.  Also having my brother randomly ask me how it's going helps too because it makes me feel like I need to answer and say it's going good instead of saying, oh yeah I kinda quit that or anything like that.  For anyone who wants to do any program, it helps a lot to have people around you that support you and help you stick to your goals.  Also, one of my favorite T.V. shows is MTV's "I Used To Be Fat," Watching some of these teens, especially around my age, struggle with their weight and then go through a summer and make such progress show that if they can do it, so can I.  I don't have the problem with the weight like they do but if they can go through an exercise plan and keep up with it and succeed, there's no reason I can't.  Anyways, I still have the ab workout to do but my nephew has woken up from his nap so it's kind of hard to workout with him around so I WILL be doing that tonight.  Oh and keep in mind, I'm STILL sick!  Ugh this coughing just won't go away!  But it's not keeping me from still wanting to do this and giving my all.  But anyways, as for now, I'm going to go bake some chicken for lunch :)

Only 80 more days to go!
The more I stick with this, I should have my 90 days completed by Feb. 11, 2012! Time to mark that on the calendar!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 9: Cardio X

Well I got a late workout in today, not what I was hoping for but had a pretty busy morning babysitting so I didn't have the time before I left for school as well as when I got home too due to babysitting again.  But that didn't stop me from getting myself to PUSH PLAY! so I got my workout in regardless and I'm happy! This week's already a busy week so I'm going to be trying my hardest to keep up, tomorrow I'll be fine but Wednesday I have to babysit in the morning but did find out I don't have to go to one of my classes so I may be able to get a workout in before my only class this way after my drive up north I don't have to worry about doing one so late.  Thursday, on the other hand, is Thanksgiving, the day we all eat til we pass out haha so that'll definitely be my major splurge day (oops!) but I want to try and make sure I get my workout in the morning before the day starts so I don't have to worry about it later on.  Anyways, back to the workout from today.  I believe I mentioned it last week but I really like this workout because of the variety that is involved in it.  It involves not only just a lot of cardio but a mix of Yoga, which really gets the blood and sweat started, Plyo, which has some jumping and hopping to get you moving, my favorite, KENPO! and some Core Synergistics.  I feel really good after this workout and this one is only about 50 minutes but you work just about your whole body.  I will though say, I HATE HATE HATE superman/banana rolls.  For anyone that does P90X, you would know what I'm talking about.  I'm sure as I start doing them more, I might start to like them but for right now, we have a hate relationship haha.  And again, after my workout today, I made another shake and this time the yogurt flavor I had was Yoplait Strawberry Shortcake (yummm!) Well that is all for today! Bye :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week 2! Day 8: Core Synergistics X

Just got back from Grand Rapids and I have a busy day today meaning homework to catch up on and a two test to study for so immediately the first thing I do when I got home was popped in the DVD and PUSHED PLAY! I knew if I didn't do it now, I probably wouldn't get it in later meaning I would get behind and start going downhill already and that's the last thing I want to do.  Well Core Synergistics went well, got my blood pumping and sweat going so I know I got a good workout, probably will be a little sore again tomorrow but that's okay, it lets me know that I'm actually working.  Plus I give myself props to actually working out everyday, even if it's not the exact schedule, I'm at least getting a workout in each day except for the rest days, obviously.  Well time to go crack on some homework! :( haha go procrastination! ;) bye!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day 7: REST

Today's day is either rest or Stretch X but I just choose to rest completely.  My cough has increased a lot making me much more tired so it's a good thing that today isn't a workout day.  Plus I'm already getting an ab workout from all this coughing :( no fun at all!  But I will be spending my rest day tonight with my friend Kristi by going to the movies and having a full on girls night haha!  But then come tomorrow, I will officially be starting week 2! 7 days done, 83 to go! :D

Friday, November 18, 2011

Day 6: Plyometrics/ Abs

Probably wondering why that doesn't say Legs/Back.  Well I realized I do not have that DVD within my set :( so I just substituted it for Plyo for today, was going to to the Chest/Back workout which is probably what I will do from now on especially because Plyo actually isn't even in the Lean schedule at all.  But it gave some good leg workouts so I don't see a problem using it.  At least I'm not skipping out on workout just because I don't have a DVD and I'm not doing the same DVD two days in a row so I'm alternating everyday.  I got a pretty good sweat today and when I do, that shows me I am working hard.  I was contemplating working out today because I'm pretty sore from Kenpo X yesterday and I am only on 4 hours of sleep :/ not good! (had a portfolio to complete for school) but once again, I forced myself to get up and PUSH PLAY because tomorrow is my Stretch X/Rest day and I don't need two of those in a row to mess me up.  This morning I had a bowl of Special K (regular) with 1/2 % milk and mid morning had a 90 calorie bar.  It is lunch time right now and I'm going to put together a salad and have an orange as well.  Have a good day!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 5: Kenpo X

LOVE! Today's workout was actually supposed to be Legs/Back plus Abs but I accidently grabbed the wrong DVD being Kenpo X and realized halfway through but still followed through the whole thing.  Came to find out it is definitely my favorite workout.  I could do this one every day and not get sick of it!  I just love the martial arts of it.  Doing all the punches and kicking makes it fun to me.  Even helps gain some defense strength ;) Since I grabbed the wrong DVD, tomorrow I will follow through with Legs/Back plus Abs but then next week I'll make sure I have the right order, either way, I'll be getting all the workouts in that I need to for this week.  After my workout, again I had another shake, this time using Yoplait Strawberry Banana yogurt.  I'll have to go to the store and pick up some more yogurts seeing as that was the last one :( haha we got 3 people in the household that eat them so they go by quicker.  Well just 85 more days to go! Let's hope I can still keep this up, they say "It takes 90 days to make or break a habit" and if I can keep this up, I'm hoping I keep a good habit of always putting in a workout whether short or long and keep going on a healthy path.  Well that's all for today :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 4: Yoga X

Well I'm going to be honest, today's workout didn't go too well for me.  I thought I was getting better but I think I'm getting more sick and my coughing has increased the past 2 days.  I did as much of the DVD I could but constantly having to stop to get blow my nose wasn't making it worth it.  But from what I did during the Yoga X DVD, it involves a lot of upper strength, which you will gain the more you do it but a lot of these moves were already similar to me because I am currently enrolled in a Yoga class this semester so that was a plus for me.  I'm sure I will be a lot better next week so I will be able to do the workout completely (once again, I started this at the wrong time, me being sick! lol but of course, I have no patience and just wanted to get it going so I am even with the little tweeks).  Since I didn't fully complete the whole hour and a half, got about an hour-ish in, I felt like I still should do a little more of something so I pulled out the Cardio/Yoga Plus 10 minute DVD.  For someone who just wanted a quick little get upper, I suggest that.  I did the 10 minute cardio part of the DVD and I worked up a goooood sweat.  It's funny that Yoga X falls on my Wednesdays because tonight is my yoga class.  For today, I think it can make up just for the little bit I missed at the end even though it's not the exact same but soon I will be powering it.  As for now, I need to get my health back so tomorrow I can be ready for some Kenpo! I'm excited right now but I'm sure at the video will be going, my mind will change haha.  I can't let myself being sick make me fully give up so even if I can't finish the whole video due to my coughing or my nose, I'd rather be happy thinking that I still got up and PUSH PLAY and gave the best I could.  Oh and again, after my workout, I made another one of those shakes this time using Yoplait Vanilla yogurt and I think the more I start mixing different yogurts, I don't mind this strawberry whey protein as much anymore.  Have a good day! :)

Oh one more thing, as for my arms/shoulders from yesterday, their feeling pretty good! I can feel more in my shoulder blades if anything but not as sore as I thought they'd be.  Looks like I'll need to work even harder next time! (so pretty much when I get my next weights up lol) Bye!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 3: Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X

All I can say is I was really not looking forward to working out today!  I was sooo ridiculously sore before I started it.  But it's only day 3, I won't let myself give up now.  I woke up this morning and the first thing I ate was a bowl of Special K Fruit&Yogurt cereal (my favorite) with 1/2 % milk.  Later on in the morning I had a Special K 90 calorie bar and a string cheese.  For lunch I made a salad with turkey, shredded some Asiago cheese, wheat croutons and a little bit of ranch.  The workout I did today was the shoulders and arms workout followed by an ab workout.  Before I started, I was feeling really sore but afterwards I was actually feeling pretty good.  I actually really like the shoulders and arm workout, though I'm only using 5 lb weights and some of the moves I don't feel as much because that's all I have then 25 but I don't want to make a big jump like that.  Next time I'm up north, I plan to bring my other weights down so I have more options.  Then I had a short ab workout dvd followed afterwards.  I don't have Ab Ripper X (realized this while getting the dvd's out) so I used the Abs Core Plus dvd which had some pretty good ab workouts.  It was a short 20 minutes but definitely something anyone could throw in for a quick workout.  After my workout, I made a protein shake.  I have Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein in strawberry (honestly don't like this flavor, bought it awhile ago but I'm finding different things to mix it with so it's not as bad, click link, run about $15 at Walmart) and I put a scoop of that in a blender along with a Yoplait Strawberry Lemonade (it's new and gooood!), some ice, and a little bit of 1/2 % milk.  Filled me right up after the workout and tasted pretty good to me.  Well day 3 is now completed, tomorrow I have Yoga X and from what I hear, it's no walk through a ball park! :/ We'll see how it goes, wish me luck! :)


Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 2: Cardio X

I just completed my second workout and I am tired out! When people try to say yoga isn't a workout, they aren't doing it right then.  In Cardio X, there's a mix of Kenpo, Yoga, Plyo, and Core Synergistics.  I definitely worked up a good sweat today but I do feel good and glad that I kicked my butt to get up and PUSH PLAY.  One of my favorite moves from today was from the Kenpo part of it which is like martial arts movements.  We did some “Upper Cuts,” “Jabs”, and “Hooks,” along with kicks as well.  I know I will be sore from those as well but it's all worth it.  Well that's all for today!


Well Core Synergistics kicked my butt! A little more than just my arms/back are feeling it today but I guess I just gotta suck it up and get ready for some Cardio X! I just had my breakfast which consisted of 3 egg whites, 2 pieces of toast with peanut butter and a big glass of orange juice.  I have a banana which I am going to save for after the workout.  Well I gotta wait a little bit before I do the workout seeing I just ate but I will post when I'm done :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 1: Core Synergistics

Well I have made through the first day of my workout!  I can feel my arms a little sore already but tomorrow is a cardio day so hopefully having these sore arms don’t discourage me haha.  I had a few moments where it was hard to hold the poses but I gave my all through the whole hour.  I loved how Tony Horton gave alternatives to each of the moves, which helped a lot.  Especially when you’re a beginner in the program you can do the simpler or easier move and throughout the program you can work your way up to the advanced move.  Since I started this today, I am also starting new eating habits or more so a better eating schedule.  Yesterday I went to the store and did some grocery shopping for the week and I bought grapes, a fresh head of lettuce, deli selects of ham and turkey, and wheat bagels to name a few.  So far today it feels like I have ate a lot but I really haven’t but I feel full.  I woke up around 8 for Church and grabbed a Special K 90 calorie cereal bar for a quick bite.  After church I had a wheat bagel with some light cream cheese and a banana.  I waited about 45 minutes and decided to do my workout.  After my workout I had a big bowl of grapes to refuel myself with.  I know those are not what is recommended but I am going to start looking a little more into what are some good choices.  I know with P90X they say the recovery drink is very effective but I’m honestly not going to spend 50 dollars for it and I know it can be a great help to becoming very successful with the program but I will still opt for other options and who knows, if I stick with my eating habits, I can still be successful.  For lunch, I put together a very plain salad because I forgot to pick up some extras for my salads.  My salad just consisted of a couple wheat croutons, ham pieces and a little bit of ranch.  Ranch may not be the best but I will enjoy my salads at least haha.  I also had a protein bar and some cream cheese and ham rollups.  Of course, throughout the day, I’m drinking LOTS of water. That's going to be all for today, I am going to be eating dinner as what is prepared and just start eating in consideration.  Have a good day! :D

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fit Test Results

Well today I did the fit test and here are my results! If anyone would like to take the fit test, go to P90X Fit Test.pdf and it will give you all the information on what to do :) (I probably shouldn't even be starting yet because I am still a little bit sick and stuffed up but I'm a person of no patience lol)

Resting Heart Rate: 70 beats/minute

Skipped the Pull-ups

Vertical Leap: 14.5 in
   -Standing: 79 in
   -Jump: 93.5 in

Push-ups: 31 reps

Toe Touch: + 4.5 in

Wall Squat: 1:45 min.

Bicep Curls: 45 (using 5 lb weights, could have done more)

In & Outs: 23 reps

Heart Rate Maximizer: 
   -immediately after 2 mins of jumping jacks: 156
   -1 min after: 140
   -2 min after: 126
   -3 min after: 122
   -4 min after: 112

And I decided to give in and just put my before pictures!  It's only going to help me in the long run because I will always be looking back at it and others can see it and see where I really began and if I'm making head ways or not.  Have to face the truth sometime, might as well make it now!

Weight: 125 lbs
Chest: 36 in.
Waist: 27.5 in.
Lower Abs (or the gut I call it): 31.5 in.
Right Thigh: 21.5 in.
Left Thigh: 21.5 in.
Right Arm: 12 in.
Left Arm: 11.5 in.
Hips: 36 in.
Body Fat %: 23.4% 
(this was from using that site Body Fat calculator, don't know how precised it is but that's what I'll go with for now)

Well starting tomorrow, the journey will be beginning! Today I am going to start looking at my food choices and go grocery shopping so I can start preparing ahead.  I will try to log in my foods on here along with my workouts but I most likely will not always be putting the nutritional value, calorie count, whatnot on the foods I eat, though some I will.  Let's hope tomorrow I'm ready to BRING IT!  I have no excuses about not having time to not work out, every night I have downtime where I do nothing, perfect time to put in an hour to an hour and a half workout.  Though this will be hard not having a buddy by my side to do it with me for extra motivation, having this blog will be my buddy because I will feel I need to resort it everyday to log in my workouts.  Well, time to go and enjoy my last day before hell rises ;) haha. BYE! :D

Friday, November 11, 2011

A little about me :)

Hello! My name is Brogan Brege and I am 19 years old.  I am student at Lansing Community College.  I am on my second year here.  I have created this blog because I figured if I make a blog and if people follow it, I will need to keep up with it to show I'm not a quitter so this gives me some motivation to want to keep up with the program.  I plan to start this program this coming Sunday (November 13, 2011).  Though I have heard it's really intense and all, I believe in myself and I know how much I want results and in order to get those, I have to work for them.  I'm not really in this program to lose weight because when I moved in August 2010, I was 154 lbs (my heaviest I've ever been) and I'm only 5'2'' and as soon as I moved, I knew I needed to do something about that.  It's been over a year now and I am now 125 lbs and never been more happier with myself.  I do eat a lot better than I used to thought I still have some moments where I like to splurge a little on the junk food (who doesn't!?).  Even though I'm very much so happy with myself now and all the inches I lost, I still feel like I could use a little more toning up and from many of the positives I've heard about P90X, I believe I can achieve that.  I know that P90X has a nutritional guide that people should follow in order to get the best results but I will not exactly be following their plan but I am going to post under this what I found about the P90X plan which I will take things off of there and put them to use.  The food plan is probably going to be the hardest for me because I don't always plan ahead and sometimes just grab something to eat and it may not always be the best choice but I hope to become better at that throughout this.  I am also going to post what the schedule is going to look like that I will be following.  I plan to do the P90X Lean Circuit.  I don't know who will follow me through this but whoever does, I hope that I am able to show off as a good role model for this and that I make it through this program with good results that makes others want to get up and PUSH PLAY! I think I am ready to BRING IT!  Tomorrow I will do the fit test that is recommended that you do to see where you fall with all the categories: Resting Heart Rate, Pull-ups (will not be doing these due to not having a pull up bar but will be doing the alternative with resistant bands), Push-ups, Vertical Leap, Toe Touch, Wall Squat, Bicep Curls, In & Outs (ab test), and Heart Rate Maximizer.  I will post all the results after.  It is also told to take before pictures which I will post on here later, not ready for them to be posted yet (haha).  I really hope to make this throughout the whole 90 days but I am starting at such an odd time (Thanksgivings coming around, Christmas will be nearing as well then New Years) but I figure even if I take a little longer, it's better than never and I'm sure I'll at least have SOME head ways with the program.  Well that is all for today.  Wish me luck! :)

P90X Lean Schedule

P90X LEAN PHASE 1 (Weeks 1-4)
Weeks 1-3:
Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – Cardio X
Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 - Yoga X
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 4:
Day 1 – Yoga X
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Cardio X
Day 6 – Yoga X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch
P90X LEAN PHASE 2 (Weeks 5-8)
Weeks 5-7
Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – Cardio X
Day 3 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 8
Day 1 – Yoga X
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Cardio X
Day 6 – Yoga X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch
P90X LEAN PHASE 3 (Weeks 9-12)
Weeks 9, 11
Day 1 – Chest and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Cardio X
Day 3 – Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X
Day 5 – Core Synergistics
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 10, 12
Day 1 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2 – Cardio X
Day 3 – Back and Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X
Day 5 – Core Synergistics
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Week 13
Day 1 – Yoga X
Day 2 – Core Synergistic
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Cardio X
Day 6 – Yoga X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

If anything, I will most likely be looking at the portion guide for Level I, otherwise I will not exactly be following this plan but for anyone that reads this and needs ideas or would like to follow it, here you go :)

Nutritional Guide
Phase I: Fat Shredder – Days 1-28
Phase II: Energy Booster – Days 29-56
Phase III: Endurance Maximizer – Days 57-90

Body Fat Range Targets
For Men: Fit – 14-17%  Athlete – 10-13%  Elite Athlete – 4-9% 
For Women: Fit – 21-24%  Athlete – 16-20%  Elite Athlete – 12-15% 
Measure Body Fat at start of program and at the end of each phase to measure progress

Not positive how accurate this site is but: has a body fat calculator if you want to find out where you may range.

Determining Your Nutrition Level
1. Calculate your RMR
   Your Body Weight x 10 = RMR
2. Calculate your Daily Activity Burn
   RMR x 20% = DAB
3. Calculate your Energy Amount
   RMR + DAB = EA

Nutrition Level Chart
EA = 1800-2399 = Level I 1800 calories per day
EA = 2400-2999 = Level II 2400 calories per day
EA = 3000+ = Level III 3000 calories per day

Macronutrient Goals in Each Phase
Phase I – Protein 50%, Carbs 30%, Fat 20%
Phase II – Protein 40%, Carbs 40%, Fat 20%
Phase III – Protein 20%, Carbs 60%, Fat 20%

Customizing the Phases
Phase I – Can be extended if you feel you need to drop more body fat, but still have enough energy to do workouts. Can be shortened if your body fat is already low or you aren’t getting enough energy for workouts.
Phase II – Can be extended if you feel you are doing well in this phase and want to keep going.
Phase III – Optional phase for those who really want to push to the limit. It is recommended, however, that everyone try this phase at some point.

Phase I Fat Shredder Portion Plan

Level I Portions
Proteins – 5
Dairy – 2
Fruits – 1
Vegetables – 2
Fats – 1
Carbs – 1
Condiments – 1
Snacks – 1 Single
P90X Recovery Drink – 1
P90X Protein Bar – 1

Level II Portions
Proteins – 7
Dairy – 3
Fruit – 1
Vegetables – 4
Fats – 1
Carbs – 1
Condiments – 2
Snacks – 1 Double
P90X Recovery Drink – 1
P90X Protein Bar – 1

Level III Portions
Proteins – 9
Dairy – 4
Fruit – 2
Vegetables – 4
Fats – 1
Carbs – 1
Condiments – 2
Snacks – 2 Doubles
P90X Recovery Drink – 1
P90X Protein Bar – 1

Phase II Energy Booster Portion Plan

Level I Portions
Proteins – 4
Dairy – 2
Fruit – 1
Vegetables – 2
Fats – 1
Carbs – 2
Condiments – 1
Snacks – 1 Single
Recovery Drink – 1
Protein Bar – 1

Level II Portions
Proteins – 6
Dairy – 2
Fruit – 1
Vegetables – 3
Fats – 1
Carbs – 3
Condiments – 1.5
Snacks – 1 Double
Recovery Drink – 1
Protein Bar – 1

Level III Portions
Proteins – 8
Dairy – 2
Fruit – 2
Vegetables- 3
Fats – 1
Carbs – 3
Condiments – 3
Snacks – 1 Double, 1 Single
Recovery Drink – 1
Protein Bar – 1

Phase III Endurance Maximizer Portion Plan

Level I Portions
Proteins – 2
Dairy – 1
Fruit – 2
Vegetables – 2
Fats – 1
Carbs – 3
Condiments – 2
Snacks – 2 Singles
Recovery Drink – 1

Level II Portions
Proteins – 3
Dairy – 1
Fruit – 3
Vegetables – 3
Fats – 1
Carbs – 4
Condiments – 3 
Snacks – 1 Double, 1 Single
Recovery Drink – 1

Level III Portions
Protein – 4
Dairy – 1
Fruit – 3
Vegetables – 4
Fats – 1
Carbs – 5
Condiments – 4
Snacks – 1 Double, 2 Singles
Recovery Drink – 1

Portion Plan Foods (the same for all phases and levels except snacks)

1 tbsp = 120 calories = 1 serving
Olives, avocado, canola oil, olive oil, flaxseed oil

100 calories per serving
- 3 oz. chicken or turkey breast
- 6 egg whites
- 3 oz. fish or shellfish
- 3 oz. fat free ham slices
- 3 oz. pork tenderloin
- 1/3 cup protein powder
- 3 oz. red meat, lean
- 1 soy burger
- 5 soy slices
- 3 oz. tofu
- 3 oz. tuna
- 2 slices turkey bacon
- 1 veggie burger
- 1 veggie dog

200 calories per serving
- 1 medium whole wheat bagel
- 1 cup baked beans
- 1 cup beans (black, kidney, etc)
- 1 2.5 oz. bran muffin
- 2 slices bread (whole wheat, rye, pumpernickel)
- 1 cup whole grain cereal
- 1 cup couscous
- 12 crackers
- 2 english muffins
- 1 cup hummus
- 1 cup lentils
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 3 3.6 oz. pancakes
- 1 cup pasta or noodles
- 1 large whole wheat pita
- 1 potato (2″x4-3/4″)
- 1 cup quinoa
- 1 cup lowfat refried beans
- 1 cup brown or wild rice
- 1 medium sweet potato
- 3 corn tortillas
- 1 large whole wheat tortilla
- 2 whole wheat waffles
- 1 cup wheat berries

Dairy Products
120 calories per serving
- 1.5 oz. low fat cheese
- 1 oz. 1% cottage cheese
- 1.5 oz. feta cheese
- 1.5 oz. semisoft goat cheese
- 1.5 oz. part skim mozzarella
- 3 oz. parmesan cheese
- 8 oz. skim milk
- 1.5 oz. soy cheese
- 8 oz. soy milk
- 8 oz. nonfat plain yogurt

100 calories per serving
- 1 medium apple
- 1 cup apricots
- 1 medium banana
- 1/4 medium cantaloupe
- 1 cup cherries
- 1 oz. dried fruit
- 6 oz. fresh squeezed juice
- 1 medium grapefruit
- 1 cup grapes
- 1 cup kiwi
- 1/3 medium mango
- 1 medium nectarine
- 1 large orange
- 1/2 papaya
- 1 medium peach
- 1 medium pear
- 1 cup raspberries, blueberries, or blackberries
- 2 cups sliced strawberries
- 1 medium tangerine
- 1 cup watermelon

50 calories per serving
1 cup of cooked veggies, veggie juice, or veggie soup
2 cups of leafy greens
- Asparagus, beets, bok choy, broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, collard greens, cucumber, eggplant, kale, lettuce, marinara sauce, mushrooms, peas, peppers, spinach, sprouts, squash, string beans, tomatoes, low sodium V8, vegetable soup, etc.

2 tbsp = 50 calories = 1 serving
Lowfat sauces and marinades, fat free dressings, mustard, honey, pure fruit jams
Single Serving Snack = 100 calories 
Double Serving Snack = 200 calories

Singles (Phase I)
- 1 oz. lowfat cheese
- 8 oz. 1% cottage cheese
- 1 oz. dried fruit
- 1 frozen fruit bar
- 8 oz. fruit sorbet
- 12 mini rice cakes
- 4 oz. nonfat frozen yogurt
- 1/2 Protein Bar
- 1 tbsp peanut butter w/celery sticks
- 2 oz. soy nuts
- 1.5 oz. string cheese
- 1 oz. turkey jerky
- 8 oz. nonfat plain yogurt

- 12 oz. 1% cottage cheese
- 1 oz. nuts (almonds, cashews, pecans, pistachios)
- 12-16 oz. Recovery drink
- 1 Protein Bar
- 4 oz. soy nuts
- 3 oz. string cheese
- 2 oz. turkey jerky

Singles (Phase II)
- 8 oz. 1% cottage cheese
- 1 oz. dried fruit
- 1/2 Protein Bar
- 1 tbsp. peanut butter w/celery
- 3 cups light popcorn
- 1 large sourdough pretzel
- 2 oz. soy nuts
- 1.5 oz. string cheese
- 1 oz. turkey jerky
- 8 oz. nonfat plain yogurt

- 1 oz. lowfat cheese with 6 crackers
- 12 oz. 1% cottage cheese
- 4 tbsp hummus with carrot sticks
- 1 oz. nuts
- 1 Protein Bar
- 12-16 oz. Recovery Drink
- 4 oz. soy nuts
- 3 oz. string cheese
- 2 oz. turkey jerky
- 8 oz. nonfat fruit flavored yogurt

Singles (Phase III)
- 1 oz. dried fruit
- 3 Fig Newtons
- 1 frozen fruit bar
- 1 medium piece fruit
- 8 oz. fruit sorbet
- 12 mini rice cakes
- 4 oz. nonfat frozen yogurt
- 1 tbsp peanut butter w/celery
- 1 oz. pita chip
- 3 cups light popcorn
- 1 large sourdough pretzel
- 2 oz. soy nuts
- 1.5 oz. string cheese
- 1 oz. lowfat tortilla chips
- 8 oz. nonfat plain yogurt

- 4 tbsp bean dip with 1 oz. chips
- 1 oz. lowfat cheese with 6 crackers
- 4 tbsp hummus with carrot sticks
- 1 oz. nuts
- 1 Protein Bar
- 12-16 oz. Recovery Drink
- 4 oz. soy nuts
- 3 oz. string cheese
- 8 oz. nonfat fruit flavored yogurt