Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 9: Cardio X

Well I got a late workout in today, not what I was hoping for but had a pretty busy morning babysitting so I didn't have the time before I left for school as well as when I got home too due to babysitting again.  But that didn't stop me from getting myself to PUSH PLAY! so I got my workout in regardless and I'm happy! This week's already a busy week so I'm going to be trying my hardest to keep up, tomorrow I'll be fine but Wednesday I have to babysit in the morning but did find out I don't have to go to one of my classes so I may be able to get a workout in before my only class this way after my drive up north I don't have to worry about doing one so late.  Thursday, on the other hand, is Thanksgiving, the day we all eat til we pass out haha so that'll definitely be my major splurge day (oops!) but I want to try and make sure I get my workout in the morning before the day starts so I don't have to worry about it later on.  Anyways, back to the workout from today.  I believe I mentioned it last week but I really like this workout because of the variety that is involved in it.  It involves not only just a lot of cardio but a mix of Yoga, which really gets the blood and sweat started, Plyo, which has some jumping and hopping to get you moving, my favorite, KENPO! and some Core Synergistics.  I feel really good after this workout and this one is only about 50 minutes but you work just about your whole body.  I will though say, I HATE HATE HATE superman/banana rolls.  For anyone that does P90X, you would know what I'm talking about.  I'm sure as I start doing them more, I might start to like them but for right now, we have a hate relationship haha.  And again, after my workout today, I made another shake and this time the yogurt flavor I had was Yoplait Strawberry Shortcake (yummm!) Well that is all for today! Bye :)

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