Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 10: Arms/Shoulders, Abs

After today, I realized I need to get some higher weights.  All I have are 3, 5, and then 25.  The 5's are just too easy, I may have to invest in some 10 lbs or maybe some tougher resistant bands because some of these moves, I don't feel it as much cause the 5's feel like nothing half the time. Not good, but that doesn't entirely mean I didn't get a good workout in today because I still did.  At the beginning, I was feeling pretty lazy and dreading the whole I need to workout mood and when I saw that 59 minutes on the clock, I just thought to myself, "I realllllly don't want to workout for this long." But I did it!  I keep telling myself, "Just think of the results you want and if anyone is reading this, they know what you look like and you need to prove to them and yourself that, that is the last time you will look like that."  It also helps when my boyfriend texts me everyday asking if I got my workout in because if I say no, I'm not holding to the promise I'm trying to make to myself.  Also having my brother randomly ask me how it's going helps too because it makes me feel like I need to answer and say it's going good instead of saying, oh yeah I kinda quit that or anything like that.  For anyone who wants to do any program, it helps a lot to have people around you that support you and help you stick to your goals.  Also, one of my favorite T.V. shows is MTV's "I Used To Be Fat," Watching some of these teens, especially around my age, struggle with their weight and then go through a summer and make such progress show that if they can do it, so can I.  I don't have the problem with the weight like they do but if they can go through an exercise plan and keep up with it and succeed, there's no reason I can't.  Anyways, I still have the ab workout to do but my nephew has woken up from his nap so it's kind of hard to workout with him around so I WILL be doing that tonight.  Oh and keep in mind, I'm STILL sick!  Ugh this coughing just won't go away!  But it's not keeping me from still wanting to do this and giving my all.  But anyways, as for now, I'm going to go bake some chicken for lunch :)

Only 80 more days to go!
The more I stick with this, I should have my 90 days completed by Feb. 11, 2012! Time to mark that on the calendar!

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