Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 4: Yoga X

Well I'm going to be honest, today's workout didn't go too well for me.  I thought I was getting better but I think I'm getting more sick and my coughing has increased the past 2 days.  I did as much of the DVD I could but constantly having to stop to get blow my nose wasn't making it worth it.  But from what I did during the Yoga X DVD, it involves a lot of upper strength, which you will gain the more you do it but a lot of these moves were already similar to me because I am currently enrolled in a Yoga class this semester so that was a plus for me.  I'm sure I will be a lot better next week so I will be able to do the workout completely (once again, I started this at the wrong time, me being sick! lol but of course, I have no patience and just wanted to get it going so I am even with the little tweeks).  Since I didn't fully complete the whole hour and a half, got about an hour-ish in, I felt like I still should do a little more of something so I pulled out the Cardio/Yoga Plus 10 minute DVD.  For someone who just wanted a quick little get upper, I suggest that.  I did the 10 minute cardio part of the DVD and I worked up a goooood sweat.  It's funny that Yoga X falls on my Wednesdays because tonight is my yoga class.  For today, I think it can make up just for the little bit I missed at the end even though it's not the exact same but soon I will be powering it.  As for now, I need to get my health back so tomorrow I can be ready for some Kenpo! I'm excited right now but I'm sure at the video will be going, my mind will change haha.  I can't let myself being sick make me fully give up so even if I can't finish the whole video due to my coughing or my nose, I'd rather be happy thinking that I still got up and PUSH PLAY and gave the best I could.  Oh and again, after my workout, I made another one of those shakes this time using Yoplait Vanilla yogurt and I think the more I start mixing different yogurts, I don't mind this strawberry whey protein as much anymore.  Have a good day! :)

Oh one more thing, as for my arms/shoulders from yesterday, their feeling pretty good! I can feel more in my shoulder blades if anything but not as sore as I thought they'd be.  Looks like I'll need to work even harder next time! (so pretty much when I get my next weights up lol) Bye!

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