Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 33: Legs & Back/Abs / Day 34: Kenpo X

Well yesterday was legs and back but I mentioned before that is one of the videos I do not havee (borrowing from someone) so I decided to do some Cardio X again and then an ab/core video so I'm feeling pretty good today.  Today is Kenpo X which I'll be doing that tonight because I've been packing all morning and going to be gettng ready to hit the road and head on up north for 3 weeks!  Can't wait to be back and see Rick and my family and friends!  I am also going to be seeing my aunt and hopefully will get Insanity and test that out over break and as soon as I get back, I will be joining the gym, so excited for that as well.  I just keep thinking mentally about how I will look and the only way to get there is to work at it and the more things I do, the quicker I can speed everything up.  Since my P90X will be done by February, I'm hoping I reach my goals and then I will look good for when we go to the Lady Antebellum, Darius Rucker, and Thompson Square concert!  And of course, when my birthday hits in March!  And who knows if I do anything for Spring Break that involves warm weather, less likely but it can happen and that would be a huge plus looking great!  Either way I'm just ready for my body to be how I've always wanted it to be and I know if I don't give up, I will finally have my chance at reaching that.  And of course, since I'll be up north, it will be my responsibility to make sure I stick to good eating habits and not let myself just splurge on everything just because I'm on "vacation."  Especially because my journey is still resuming, it doesn't stop for anything and if I ended up not doing it for the 3 weeks (which I will be doing it, no worries about that), I would have to start all over from day 1 and I'm not doing that.  I'm 1/3 of the way there.  I can do this and I WILL do this.  Well got to go make sure I have everything packed and I'm hitting the roads!  Let's pray for good weather the whole ride up!  Bye :D

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Day 31: Chest, Shoulder, Triceps, Ab Ripper X; Day 32: Yoga

So I didn't log in yesterday and I'm going to be honest, I didn't do the first part of the workout because I got so caught up with things yesterday and getting my presentation ready for my last class today.   But I did do an ab workout.  Anyways, today is Yoga day which also was my last yoga class for the semester!  Which I was happy because that means my semester is over!!  Happy happy girl here!  But what I want to talk about today is yesterday I did some measuring and I have lost about an 1.5 around my gut and and almost an inch around my waist!  Pretty much the only places but I was happy :) because comparing it to a year ago, that is 7 inches total gone off my gut and 7.25 inches off my waist!  And I lost 2 inches off my thighs, and two inches off my arms over the last year as well.  So that really made my day yesterday seeing how far I've really come.  I also have a picture of my body from last October when I had already lost about 3ish inches around my stomach but none from my real starting point which in all honestly, I don't even want to imagine where I was at but just that picture from Oct was enough.  I might post it sometime with an updated one for comparison.  Well on my way to school, I stopped by the mall and even treated myself to a new pair of skinny jeans!  Note that I used to wear an 8 in American Eagle pants and last year one day I went shopping with my mom and come to find I wear 4's now!  I was so happy, cause I haven't worn a four since about the end of my sophomore/beginning junior year in high school.  And the reason being I got skinny jeans is because one, they are perfect to wear with boots and two, the two pairs I have are WAYYYY to big around the waist and it gets really annoying constantly pulling them up and I even wear a belt!   Anyways, now I'm on break for 3 1/2 weeks and I'll be going up north this Friday for break so it will be my responsibility to be making sure I'm getting my workouts in.  Then once breaks over, I am going to be signing up for my gym membership with the school right away so I will be doing P90X and the gym to quicken my results.  And I might borrow Insanity from my aunt Nancy in which I heard is literally what the same is INSANE!  But I'm willing to try it.  I might figure out the DVDs and do a certain one on certain days for example, maybe their ab workout inturn of my P90X abs.  Add a little more variety to it.  Well I'm going to go watch the new I Used To Be Fat episode :)  Bye!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 30!!! Whoop whoop! Cardio X!

Yeah yeah yeah!! 30 days done!  Now 60 more to go!  I swear I was just putting 1 day down, 89 more to go... haha.  Like I said, these first 30 days weren't the greatest due to being sick the first twoish weeks but hey, I got a head start and I didn't quit!  So that's better than nothing!  I'm proud of myself to say the least but now these next 30 days, I'm going to try to push even harder.  Anyways, as I was working out today, I realized how much it helps to be able to see what your doing.  I have the reflection in my window (works when it's night time) and my mirror and it's perfect for when I'm doing some of the moves.  Tony is always saying about make sure you have a flat back or your leaning forward, ect.  And watching myself in the window or mirror helps me see if I'm doing things correct or if I need to fix or adjust my moves.  Another thing about when I was watching myself do the moves, I notice my arms are starting to get more toned looking and the backs of my shoulders.  So when I noticed that, I was feeling extra good during the workout!  Also, I did get up this morning and do core synergistics!  So that's two workouts today, eek!  I already feel sore abs!  But I sure as hell feel great and DON'T regret one minute of it :)  Cardio X was fun as always.  Love the variety of the workout.  Definitely worked up a dripping sweat but that's what I like to see.  And my tummy was chilled!  Meaning I worked hard enough for my body to start burning fat!  I love reading new fitness tips and facts.  Always give me motivation.  Well now that I got that in and I don't have any studying to do because we went over exactly everything that's going to be on the final for my Spanish class and I have it pretty set in my mind already and I already finished my take-home final for my Math class so I'm pretty golden right now :)  I think I might relax and pop in a movie or maybe watch some Biggest Loser episodes.  Shows like that always give me motivation. I love seeing people succeed in great ways :)  Well ta-ta for now!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 28: Rest/Stretch X and Week 5: Day 29: Core Synergistics (new schedule)

Didn't log in yesterday for the fact it was just rest day, pretty much explains for itself.  Though I did do kenpo/cardio yesterday morning because I was feeling frustrated and that's always a good way to work out my frustration.  Then I had a pretty filled day, went to dinner with my brother, Cass, and her parents in which I got like the biggest ceasar salad of my life!  Soo good though and I just about finish it, first time ever.  Then Cass, her parents, Aubrey and I went to the Descendant's movie with George Clooney.  Soooo good!  So many different parts I probably would have bawled if I was by myself but I held it in haha but there were funny parts as well (dramady).  I also saw a preview for the movie "Extremely Loud&Incredibly Close" with Tom Hanks.  The preview ALONE made us tear up!  Definitely seeing that as soon as it comes out (January 20, 2012). 
Anyways, today has been a pretty busy day.  Got bad news, haven't even got my workout in.  (PS It's a new workout set, week 5 but only one day of the week is different which is instead of arms and shoulders, it's now chest, shoulders, and triceps.)  Got up really early for my shower than had to go to church then shortly after church we left for Clarkston for the day for a birthday party.  Got home about 7.  I probably could get my workout in but I have finals tomorrow and for this moment, it's much more important for me to study.  Though since I couldn't get my workout in, there's this 12 days of Christmas workout and I did most of them just to get a little something in but tomorrow I plan to wake up early do core synergistics then tomorrow night do cardio x.  I know that's a lot for one day but I'm very close to my first 30 days and though it hasn't been the best, I want to push myself these last 2 days then the next 30, I have to push myself as hard as I can possibly push.  I want to make this the best 30 days ever.  There will be NO excuses!  PUSHING PLAY everyday will be my priority.  Especially with the new year coming up, already having another head start, I'll be able to keep going with it.  Well I need to get my butt back to studying, time for some psyc fun! ;) Bye!

Weeks 5-7
Day 1 – Core Synergistics
Day 2 – Cardio X
Day 3 – Chest, Shoulders and Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 4 – Yoga X
Day 5 – Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6 – Kenpo X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch

Friday, December 9, 2011

Day 27: Yoga X

Almost forgot to log in!  It's late and I gotta get to studying so this will be super short.  Today was Yoga X, longggg but good.  Getting better at the crane!  Last night I held it for 10 seconds!  But today, it was hard for 5 haha.  But I'm mastering it, slowly but surely.  I literally do it everyday just to see how long I can hold it.  Need a good arm workout, there you go!  Basically holding all your body weight.  Anyways, all in all a good workout.  Tomorrow (well since its after midnight, so today) is rest day/stretch X day and I'll be spending my day at the school taking a final or two.  Don't know which one I'll take or if both yet.  Then hopefully on to go get some Christmas shopping done and go donate some of my clothes to the second hand store.  Do a little good deed before the holidays :) if I knew of any home shelters, I would just take them there instead but I'm not that familiar with the area.  Anyways, I'm off to study then bed! Night :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Day 26: Core Synergistics

So today on the schedule says Cardio X but as we all know, I did that the other day due to not paying attention to my schedule (oops!) so I switched it to today.  I really could careless for this workout, I mean it is a great workout, I get a good workout out of it, it's just not my favorite one haha.  But I can't express how good I feel getting up and PUSHING PLAY everyday.  I'm very proud of myself for getting this far and sticking as much as I could.  And I'm only going to keep sticking with it!  I do feel a difference in my body strength which makes me feel really good :) Tomorrow is my longer dreaded workout, Yoga X, but it is getting better.  Anyways, I don't have much to say for today, got to go finish up some cleaning and get ready for Church tonight.  Bye :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 25: Rest/Stretch X

So today was SUPPOSED to be rest day.  From the day I had, there wasn't really any rest in it, but all in all, today was a great day!  I went to school and took a few books to see what the bookstore would buy them for and they took of my books for 70 dollars total.  My math book I bought online for about 30 or 40 and they bought it from me for 50 so I was happy then my math binder book from last year they took for 20 so I came out with 70 dollars I didn't have in my pocket.  Then I had a gift card from last year to the bookstore/cafe and knew I had a couple dollars on it, but my guess was maybe 2 or less.  Went and had them check, there was 12.50 left on it!  Talk about a happy girl here!  So of course, I treated myself to a Caramel Mocha hehe.  It was veryyyyy good!  Then I had my classes, which went good and as for rest day, Wednesday for me means yoga class so that's not really making it a rest day.  But I only have one more yoga class and that's next week and than that means, CHRISTMAS BREAK!  YES!  Anyways, I came home and was feeling very hungry, my classes go from 2-8, little breaks in between so I never really get a chance to take the time and eat.  So I had one of my leftover turkey burgers and asparagus with some carrots as well.  Filled me up way fast.  After I finished dinner, I completed my last few definitions for my pysc study guide and sent that so all that's left of this semester is Pysc Final, Educ Final, Span Final, and Math Presentation!  The first two finals I can take whenever and I think I'm going to use Saturday to do that to get them out of the way and to avoid the mad rush next week at the assessment center.  After I finished that, I was sitting here, on my computer just scrolling through facebook and thinking about how I feel like I should workout or do something though it's supposed to be the rest day and for anyone that knows me, I'm a very random person and right on the spot, I said, "Screw rest day, I'm doing some Kenpo!"  I swear I'm addicted to that workout!  I just had it yesterday!  But I wanted to do it and I did.  And I'm sure glad I did!  They say you never regret a workout and I definitely don't.  I feel so good right now and it just topped off my good day :)  Now I'm sitting here having a late snack, an orange :P got to fuel my stomach with something after this workout hehe.  Oh and lots of water too!  Well I'm going to finish this orange and then I think I'm going to hit the hay.  Goodnight!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Day 24: Kenpo X!

We all know what today was, my favorite day! Love love love :) Good workout, as always.  So not too much to say today so this will be really short.  For breakfast today I had a very fiberful bowl of Kellogg's Fiber Plus Cinnamon Cheerio like.  For dinner tonight, I made turkey burgers (yum!) with shaved carrots and chopped green onion mixed in it and whole wheat buns, lettuce and just had to, muenster cheese.  Sooo good!  And on the side, I made some ham rolled asparagus :) Definitely filled me right up!  And healthy!  And of course, been drinking my water all day long!  Well that's all I have for today, time to go work on my final Psyc assignment of the semester!  Almost done, yay! Bye!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Day 23: Cardio X

WHOOPS!  I accidently did Cardio X when it was supposed to be Core Synergistics!  Wow, I'm horrible at this haha.  Oh well, I'll do core on my cardio day now.  Anyways, I woke up this morning not wanting to get out of bed whatsoever!  So as I was laying there, I was trying to decide when I should do my workout and kept telling myself I'll do it tonight when I get back from class but kept reminding myself of my huge study guide that I have to start on tonight so I won't have the time.  Then of course, I was on my phone checking facebook or twitter and as I was scrolling through the feed, I told myself, "If I can be laying here wasting time on the web, I could be up burning my time getting a workout instead.  Which will I regret more?"  That was enough to get me up.  I closed my phone and immediately got dressed and PUSHED PLAY!  And I definitely don't regret it!  One of my best workouts today.  Worked really hard, kept thinking about my goal to get fit and the harder I work, the closer I'll be to it.  Today was a major sweat pool which I find great because it shows how hard I'm pushing myself.  Random fitness fact:  When your stomach is cold after doing cardio, that means your body is burning fat.  And right after I was done, I felt my stomach and sure enough, it was cold!  That makes me feel good and only makes me want to keep pushing myself to keep going.  I know I'm close to my first 30 days but I think at 40 days I will be doing my result picture of the first set or maybe even 35 because due to me being sick, that kind of put a damper on my workouts so I'm trying to play catch up with working harder.  Anyways, I have to go shower and go own an exam! (I hope!) Bye!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

WEEK 4! Day 22: Yoga X - New schedule

Whoo hoo! We are on week 4 already!  And a new schedule!  Only for this week though then I'm back to the original schedule except this time my arms and shoulder day gets changed to chest, shoulders, and triceps. Here is my schedule for this week:

Week 4:
Day 1 – Yoga X
Day 2 – Core Synergistics
Day 3 – Kenpo X
Day 4 – X Stretch
Day 5 – Cardio X
Day 6 – Yoga X
Day 7 – Rest or X Stretch
 I get Kenop X earlier this time!  Yay!  But I still really like plyo so who knows, I might change my second yoga day or go hard and do it on my stretch day :P oops sorry but I can't help that I actually want to do more workouts!  Anyways, when I saw that today was yoga day, I was kind of dreading it, mainly because it's an hour and a half.  But I found a bunch of pictures the other day that are good motivators and one I found a good one was, "If you have time for FACEBOOK, you have time to WORKOUT!"  So true!  You can burn a few hours easily just from sitting on facebook when in the same time you could get a complete workout in.  It may not go as fast as you think but when you get your mindset to the workout, it's over before you know it and then you feel good about yourself because you got it done.  So I told myself, if I think about going on facebook or twitter or anything else, there is no reason I can't get up and do my yoga.  Also I told myself yoga is a good way to relax the mind and I have plenty of studying to do so it's best that I workout to get my mind at ease so I'm not stressing so much when I study.  So I got up and PUSHED PLAY!  And they always say, "You will never regret a workout."  And that's the truth!  I'm glad I got up and did my yoga for today.  Definitely a relaxing workout yet tough.  There are some moves I'm still working on but definitely improving on.  I would say I can do about 80% of the video perfect enough, just still not as flexible as the those on the video but I do the moves and hold them out like I'm supposed to but over time, I'll have the completely down with the flexibility as well.  Anyways I'm going to post a few motivators below, run to the store and pick up some fruit and then get to studying! Bye :)
Here are a few motivators: Enjoy! :D
 So true! A year from now, I want to look at my body and be proud that I worked for it.

Exactly.  We can't just hope our body will soon be how we want it, we have to WORK for it to be how we want it.  Just like eating, you can't exercise out your bad eating habits, you have to eat healthy too.

"Can't" is not, nor will it ever be in my dictionary!

An opportunity to GET FIT!

My goal for my grocery shopping this week, buy fruits in all of the rainbow colors!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 21: Rest Day or Stretch X

So today is rest day or as some people like to do, the stretch X.  But of course, I'm resting haha.  My legs are still feeling it from plyo the other day!  But tonight, I think I want to do another ab workout or something, I feel like I need to workout though it's supposed to be rest day.  Today is my nephews birthday party so we have a houseful right now which makes it hard to workout right now but I still might do something later and if I do, I'll be sure to log in.  But I don't have much to say for today so I'm going to get going since the party is starting and I don't want to be missing out on too much! ;) bye!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 20: Kenpo X

Oh. My. Gosh.  Wow, am I ever sore on my bottom half.   My thighs and my calves especially.  Literally last night, they were even feeling like jello.  But I wasn't letting that get in the way of me not PUSHING PLAY today.  A lot of the moves were alright for me to do because it's a lot of arm movement but when the kicks started, my legs were feeling it haha.  But I pushed myself as hard as I could and made it through the whole thing.  Plus it's my favorite workout, I didn't want to not do it.  So I feel really good I got that in.  Also my workouts are actually getting better because I'm getting better!  Done with my meds as of yesterday but still have to take my inhaler everyday which is fine with me.  But my coughing has decrease A LOT!  Everything in my system has finally loosened up so I'm in my last few days of this which is awesome :) anyways, after my workout, since I don't have any yogurts, I didn't make a drink with the stuff because I don't like it without it so I made some scrambled egg whites with a few pieces of honey ham.  Filled me up, re-energized.  That's all for today. Buh-byeee. PS Keep remembering to drink plenty of water!  Also when you feel like your hungry, drink water, it could be your thirst getting confused with hunger :)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Day 19: Plyometrics - The Mother of P90X

Once again, I changed a workout.  I can't help it, but I've been wanting to try the plyo and didn't see it anywhere in my schedule and I felt like putting it in today.  I should just make my own P90X schedule (basically am) and just call it The Brogan haha.  Anyways, WOW!  Plyo is considered the "Mother of P90X" and I believe it!  Talk about a good sweat!  And boy oh boy, my legs are going to hate me tomorrow!  There is a lot of squat moves and you sure do feel the burn in those legs.  But that's what I love about it, I really feel like my legs will get results from this workout.  Actually, my whole body because of all the movement you're doing.  Kenpo X is my top favorite then plyo is definitely my second.  Since I'm not really listening to my actual schedule, I think I'm going to be throwing plyo in there because I feel I can really benefit from this workout.  Now I am having my version of my recovery drink which today's yogurt that is in my shake is Strawberry Shortcake because that was the last one we had.  But it's still really good!  Well time to go play with my nephew and celebrate his 2nd birthday today :D bye!