Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 33: Legs & Back/Abs / Day 34: Kenpo X

Well yesterday was legs and back but I mentioned before that is one of the videos I do not havee (borrowing from someone) so I decided to do some Cardio X again and then an ab/core video so I'm feeling pretty good today.  Today is Kenpo X which I'll be doing that tonight because I've been packing all morning and going to be gettng ready to hit the road and head on up north for 3 weeks!  Can't wait to be back and see Rick and my family and friends!  I am also going to be seeing my aunt and hopefully will get Insanity and test that out over break and as soon as I get back, I will be joining the gym, so excited for that as well.  I just keep thinking mentally about how I will look and the only way to get there is to work at it and the more things I do, the quicker I can speed everything up.  Since my P90X will be done by February, I'm hoping I reach my goals and then I will look good for when we go to the Lady Antebellum, Darius Rucker, and Thompson Square concert!  And of course, when my birthday hits in March!  And who knows if I do anything for Spring Break that involves warm weather, less likely but it can happen and that would be a huge plus looking great!  Either way I'm just ready for my body to be how I've always wanted it to be and I know if I don't give up, I will finally have my chance at reaching that.  And of course, since I'll be up north, it will be my responsibility to make sure I stick to good eating habits and not let myself just splurge on everything just because I'm on "vacation."  Especially because my journey is still resuming, it doesn't stop for anything and if I ended up not doing it for the 3 weeks (which I will be doing it, no worries about that), I would have to start all over from day 1 and I'm not doing that.  I'm 1/3 of the way there.  I can do this and I WILL do this.  Well got to go make sure I have everything packed and I'm hitting the roads!  Let's pray for good weather the whole ride up!  Bye :D

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