Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 30!!! Whoop whoop! Cardio X!

Yeah yeah yeah!! 30 days done!  Now 60 more to go!  I swear I was just putting 1 day down, 89 more to go... haha.  Like I said, these first 30 days weren't the greatest due to being sick the first twoish weeks but hey, I got a head start and I didn't quit!  So that's better than nothing!  I'm proud of myself to say the least but now these next 30 days, I'm going to try to push even harder.  Anyways, as I was working out today, I realized how much it helps to be able to see what your doing.  I have the reflection in my window (works when it's night time) and my mirror and it's perfect for when I'm doing some of the moves.  Tony is always saying about make sure you have a flat back or your leaning forward, ect.  And watching myself in the window or mirror helps me see if I'm doing things correct or if I need to fix or adjust my moves.  Another thing about when I was watching myself do the moves, I notice my arms are starting to get more toned looking and the backs of my shoulders.  So when I noticed that, I was feeling extra good during the workout!  Also, I did get up this morning and do core synergistics!  So that's two workouts today, eek!  I already feel sore abs!  But I sure as hell feel great and DON'T regret one minute of it :)  Cardio X was fun as always.  Love the variety of the workout.  Definitely worked up a dripping sweat but that's what I like to see.  And my tummy was chilled!  Meaning I worked hard enough for my body to start burning fat!  I love reading new fitness tips and facts.  Always give me motivation.  Well now that I got that in and I don't have any studying to do because we went over exactly everything that's going to be on the final for my Spanish class and I have it pretty set in my mind already and I already finished my take-home final for my Math class so I'm pretty golden right now :)  I think I might relax and pop in a movie or maybe watch some Biggest Loser episodes.  Shows like that always give me motivation. I love seeing people succeed in great ways :)  Well ta-ta for now!

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