Sunday, November 13, 2011

Day 1: Core Synergistics

Well I have made through the first day of my workout!  I can feel my arms a little sore already but tomorrow is a cardio day so hopefully having these sore arms don’t discourage me haha.  I had a few moments where it was hard to hold the poses but I gave my all through the whole hour.  I loved how Tony Horton gave alternatives to each of the moves, which helped a lot.  Especially when you’re a beginner in the program you can do the simpler or easier move and throughout the program you can work your way up to the advanced move.  Since I started this today, I am also starting new eating habits or more so a better eating schedule.  Yesterday I went to the store and did some grocery shopping for the week and I bought grapes, a fresh head of lettuce, deli selects of ham and turkey, and wheat bagels to name a few.  So far today it feels like I have ate a lot but I really haven’t but I feel full.  I woke up around 8 for Church and grabbed a Special K 90 calorie cereal bar for a quick bite.  After church I had a wheat bagel with some light cream cheese and a banana.  I waited about 45 minutes and decided to do my workout.  After my workout I had a big bowl of grapes to refuel myself with.  I know those are not what is recommended but I am going to start looking a little more into what are some good choices.  I know with P90X they say the recovery drink is very effective but I’m honestly not going to spend 50 dollars for it and I know it can be a great help to becoming very successful with the program but I will still opt for other options and who knows, if I stick with my eating habits, I can still be successful.  For lunch, I put together a very plain salad because I forgot to pick up some extras for my salads.  My salad just consisted of a couple wheat croutons, ham pieces and a little bit of ranch.  Ranch may not be the best but I will enjoy my salads at least haha.  I also had a protein bar and some cream cheese and ham rollups.  Of course, throughout the day, I’m drinking LOTS of water. That's going to be all for today, I am going to be eating dinner as what is prepared and just start eating in consideration.  Have a good day! :D

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