Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Day 25: Rest/Stretch X

So today was SUPPOSED to be rest day.  From the day I had, there wasn't really any rest in it, but all in all, today was a great day!  I went to school and took a few books to see what the bookstore would buy them for and they took of my books for 70 dollars total.  My math book I bought online for about 30 or 40 and they bought it from me for 50 so I was happy then my math binder book from last year they took for 20 so I came out with 70 dollars I didn't have in my pocket.  Then I had a gift card from last year to the bookstore/cafe and knew I had a couple dollars on it, but my guess was maybe 2 or less.  Went and had them check, there was 12.50 left on it!  Talk about a happy girl here!  So of course, I treated myself to a Caramel Mocha hehe.  It was veryyyyy good!  Then I had my classes, which went good and as for rest day, Wednesday for me means yoga class so that's not really making it a rest day.  But I only have one more yoga class and that's next week and than that means, CHRISTMAS BREAK!  YES!  Anyways, I came home and was feeling very hungry, my classes go from 2-8, little breaks in between so I never really get a chance to take the time and eat.  So I had one of my leftover turkey burgers and asparagus with some carrots as well.  Filled me up way fast.  After I finished dinner, I completed my last few definitions for my pysc study guide and sent that so all that's left of this semester is Pysc Final, Educ Final, Span Final, and Math Presentation!  The first two finals I can take whenever and I think I'm going to use Saturday to do that to get them out of the way and to avoid the mad rush next week at the assessment center.  After I finished that, I was sitting here, on my computer just scrolling through facebook and thinking about how I feel like I should workout or do something though it's supposed to be the rest day and for anyone that knows me, I'm a very random person and right on the spot, I said, "Screw rest day, I'm doing some Kenpo!"  I swear I'm addicted to that workout!  I just had it yesterday!  But I wanted to do it and I did.  And I'm sure glad I did!  They say you never regret a workout and I definitely don't.  I feel so good right now and it just topped off my good day :)  Now I'm sitting here having a late snack, an orange :P got to fuel my stomach with something after this workout hehe.  Oh and lots of water too!  Well I'm going to finish this orange and then I think I'm going to hit the hay.  Goodnight!

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